
If love is what you seek, it is celebration time already as you manage to impress someone from the opposite camp. You may resent someone in the family keeping a tab on your activities, but it may be for your own good. Don’t feel reluctant in meeting a senior to explain things in person on the work front, as it will save you the hassle of being called for an explanation later. Some of you may devote your energy in finding ways to enhance your earning.

Lucky number: 9

Lucky colour: Rosy brown


Overstraining on the fitness front may cause problems, so take it easy. Employees may demand a pay hike and put you in a spot. Professional matters will need to be handled with care to avoid mistakes. Differences with spouse over some issue are foreseen towards the mid of the week. Power game may ensue on the romantic front and threaten to end the relationship. Problems are foreseen for those undertaking a long journey over the weekend. Discussing property matters with someone knowledgeable is okay, but take your own call.

Lucky number: 1

Lucky colour: Peach


An active social life is likely to keep you busy. Love can come knocking at your door, so be prompt in letting it in. Those fond of travel are likely to have their wish fulfilled this week. Keeping someone in good humour on the professional front will prove beneficial to your career. Those looking for a suitable accommodation are likely to find one that fits their pocket. You will have to tighten your belt on the financial front, if you want to save for an expensive item. 

Lucky number: 5

Lucky colour: Bluish green


You are likely to add to your fame and prestige on the social front. An initiative taken by you on the family front will be appreciated by all. A secret admirer may express his or her feelings for you. Those pursuing higher studies are likely to taste success soon. Praise is in store for those working for a professional set-up. Better remunerations can be expected by those going in for a job switch. You manage to keep good health by adopting a better and healthier lifestyle.

Lucky number: 22

Lucky colour: Dark slate grey


You are likely to achieve something big on the social front through family support. If love has eluded you up till now, don’t despair as your perfect mate is waiting to begin a romantic journey together. Don’t take on more than you can handle on a business trip. Someone can go back on his or her word at work and put you in an embarrassing situation. Impulse buying can affect your bank balance adversely. Your health doesn’t appear all hunky-dory, so take care.

Lucky number: 18

Lucky colour: Sandy brown


This is a lucky week for you. A situation causing worry on the professional front is likely to be resolved without any difficulty. You will be able to enjoy the same quality of life that you used to as money comes to you. Those unwell are likely to enjoy perfect health soon. You are likely to be much sought after on the social front. Love life proves most satisfying as you enjoy a better understanding with partner. Shifting to a new house can become a hassle for some.

Lucky number: 4

Lucky colour: Dark grey


Some of you are likely to enjoy a long drive as the week begins, maybe to meet someone related to you. Efforts on the work front are likely to bring praise and appreciation for you. A social event may be organised at home for someone who has come from overseas or out of town. Your romantic endeavours are likely to bear fruit as the one you love sends positive signals. Money will not pose any problems as you spend judiciously. You are likely to find yourself more energetic than usual as the week progresses. 

Lucky number: 3

Lucky colour: Coffee


Your interest in spirituality is likely to be awakened. Possibility of visiting a pilgrimage site cannot be ruled out for some. Good intentions in accomplishing something at work will make higher ups overlook your mistakes. You can make plans with friends to organise a beat up on the social front. Love life promises to be exciting as partner gives his or her support. Conserving money at this juncture is advised, but do spend money on essentials. Don’t take undue liberties where health is concerned.

Lucky number: 11

Lucky colour: Purple


You feel nice with people around you, but don’t do enough to make this happen. The week may find you socialise with your near and dear ones. Love begets love, more so on the romantic front. So, give love and expect to have a scintillating time in the company of lover. Someone may take you to meet one of your old friends or associates. On the professional front, you will be able to put adequate efforts to complete a difficult task within the deadline.

Lucky number: 2

Lucky colour: Pink


A windfall can be expected by some on the financial front. Figure and physique that you are trying to achieve is likely to become a reality with regular workouts. A professional matter will be resolved in your favour. You may find spouse off mood due to some misunderstanding, so try to clear the air. Lover may resent you not being able to spend more time with him or her and can create a scene. You will need to be careful while on the road. 

Lucky number: 6

Lucky colour: Forest green


You are likely to devote some more time in looking after your fitness and physique. Your work on the academic front may not be found up to the mark and require reworking. A game of one-upmanship may ensue on the social front and may lead you to frustration. Stagnation may set into a long-term relationship on the romantic front, if you don’t do something about it. Delays are foreseen for those undertaking a long journey. Don’t expect immediate reciprocation for the help extended to someone. 

Lucky number: 8

Lucky colour: Light blue


You are likely to achieve much on the professional front this week. Businesspersons will find business picking up. Profits accrue for those who have ventured into something new. A family get together may find you in your element. Someone from the opposite camp can tug at your heartstrings and usher in romance! Disruptions while travelling can be expected by some, but it will be due to outside factors. Not heeding the advice of elders can lay you up in bed with an ailment or two. 

Lucky number: 17

Lucky colour: White