
You may need to keep an alternate option ready for something you have committed to. Be pragmatic and cut your losses if you feel certain financial arrangements are not working out. Taking too long to make up your mind may be detrimental as you could miss out on some opportunities. There is every possibility of things going your way on the social front. Getting nominated for something prestigious cannot be ruled out. An ancestral house is likely to come in your name through inheritance.

Lucky number: 22
Lucky colour: Navy blue


Networking for business will lead to new opportunities. There are people who are willing to help you out, but you have to make up your mind first. Those looking for suitable employment can land a dream job. Homemakers can remain dissatisfied with the quality of renovation work despite spending time and money on it. Expect the family to support your ideas. You are likely to have your cake and eat it too on the financial front.

Lucky number: 7
Lucky colour: Golden


Some of you stand a good chance for campus recruitment by top multinational companies. Nomination for an award or honor is likely to materialize for some. An apprehension regarding a financial issue will be laid to rest. Visit to friends or relatives will prove enjoyable. A colleague’s major success or achievement will be a reason for celebration. A seemingly perfect matrimonial match may need a relook. Health of a dear one may require your time and effort.

Lucky number: 1
Lucky colour: Dark grey


A balanced approach regarding a manpower management problem will help you sort out the matter. Steps that you take on the health front will certainly lead to perfect fitness. Your foresight and clarity about goals will help you steer the company in the right direction. Propose a fun outing or a romantic getaway to your lover. Being in the company of optimistic people will give you new insights. Some of you may be drawn to seek spiritual guidance.

Lucky number: 9
Lucky colour: Saffron


You may need to display your authority at work to get people in line. There is strength in numbers, so garner the support of others before raising an issue at work. Work will progress smoothly. Office is likely to become a fun place, as someone you like warms up to your romantic overtures! Becoming a couch potato can have dire repercussions for some on the health front. A sympathetic ear to spouse will help in venting his or her pent up feelings.

Lucky number: 18
Lucky colour: Light yellow


Pending projects will be completed with the support from colleagues. Businessmen may be busy travelling while developing their network and contacts. Depressing thoughts vanish as a special friend or relative arrives to lift up your spirits. You can avoid confusion in family matters provided you are willing to listen to everyone. Attending a family do with lover in tow is not advisable as of now. Some tiff with a neighbour cannot be ruled out for some. Yoga could be a good stress-buster.

Lucky number: 15
Lucky colour: Dark green


Your initiative may get you the expected benefit. You are likely to enjoy a special status at work, where others look up to you. Some positive developments on the matrimonial front may be expected by the eligible. Excellent performance on the academic front is likely to open many avenues for you. Politicians may have to restructure some agendas or strategies. Insecurity could prevent you from trying something unfamiliar. Let an expert take you under his wing.

Lucky number: 6
Lucky colour: Maroon


Your head for figures and analytical mind is likely to attract wealth. Be confident while taking important decisions on the professional front. Don’t let anything affect business matters negatively. Those travelling on a long journey must make all preparation before starting off. Speculation may not bring in the kind of returns you have been expecting. A fellow colleague may help clear some misunderstandings to relax you mentally. Marriage is on the anvil for some.

Lucky number: 2
Lucky colour: Pink


Money will be no problem as earning stabilizes. A promise kept is likely to bring someone close to you. Those jilted in love will need to make a fresh beginning to regain lost ground! Expect an excellent property bargain. You may have to juggle your schedule to accommodate some social obligations. Do not probe too deeply in the personal issues of the younger ones. Legal issues require your attention now. Fitness classes alone will not be of much use, so focus on dietary control too.

Lucky number: 12
Lucky colour: Lemon


Venture out of your comfort zone and try new innovative strategies on the work front. Doubts that have cropped up regarding an issue will need to be cleared at the earliest. Deliberate well before giving your views and opinions regarding an issue at work. Dipping sales of some retailers may require a change in strategy. Personal relationships require your time and concern to streamline things. Homemakers can feel frustrated if change of scene doesn’t happen fast!
Lucky number: 8
Lucky colour: Forest green


Discussions could turn into time-consuming affairs but you will come up with some interesting perspectives. Your suggestions regarding important financial decisions will be well taken. Some of you can undergo difficulties in finding a good match for an eligible family member. Those learning to drive or swim will succeed in their endeavours. A gathering of friends is likely to prove most enjoyable. Your interest in spirituality could deepen. You enjoy excellent health.

Lucky number: 5
Lucky colour: Parrot green


It is only a matter of time before you surmount the odds to get a stalled job back on the tracks. Chances of catching the eye of the one you admire seem most likely. You may feel stressed this week while taking decisions regarding your family’s security. Your worth at the workplace will be slowly revealed to those who matter as you begin to produce excellent results. Light workout and walks will fine tone your body. A leisure trip is in the offing.

Lucky number: 6
Lucky colour: Lavender