Rachit Kushwaha’s ‘Behind the Dreams’ online show offers self-help advice from successful immigrants living in New Zealand

The entrepreneur aims to build the ultimate free self-help educational resource for immigrants

An entrepreneur, storyteller, video creator and a visionary Rachit Kushwaha’s online show ‘Behind the Dreams’ is an excellent free resource for any immigrant looking for guidance and support to become successful in New Zealand. 

The 27-year-old came to New Zealand three years ago to start a new and better life. When Rachit started his journey, those feelings of helplessness, anxious, powerless were the biggest catalysts for him to create ‘Behind the Dreams show. It will provide an excellent resource for the newcomers and for those who are struggling with their career and settlement prospects in New Zealand. Behind the Dreams is a platform that is made for the migrants, by the migrants and it’s all about the migrants. Rachit’s vision is to share the story, knowledge, strategies, skills and ideas of successful people living in New Zealand, so the immigrants who are still struggling in their career or life could take inspiration and guidance to move forward. 

You can follow Behind the Dreams platform on:

Facebook: http://bit.ly/BTD_

Instagram: http://bit.ly/BTD_IG


The show currently has three episodes out, which range roughly from 20-30 minutes each. All the guests in the show are the people who have made a big name for themselves in their respective industries and have moved to the country in the past ten years. Rachit aims to interview 50 more leaders in different industries this year, making sure when an immigrant visits their website, he/she gains ample knowledge about:

  • Various career options available in the country 

  • How to build a mindset for success

  • Have a good idea about how to successfully apply for a job 

  • New ideas/strategies to acquire a dream job

  • How to fast-track your career 

  • Everyday struggles faced by immigrants

Most of the interviews consist of detailed discussion about various issues faced by immigrants in a new country or New Zealand and how they can overcome them. The topics discussed in the first three episodes were:

  • How to get a promotion at your current job & how to negotiate your salary 

  • Common mistakes immigrants make when applying for jobs in NZ

  • Mindset preparations & initial struggles   

  • Suggestions for the students who have just graduated

  • Qualities a person needs to run a restaurant business in NZ

  • Advice for people who want to pursue a hospitality career

  • Struggles faced by the restaurant owners while building a restaurant business in New Zealand

Within just launching the platform four months ago, the show has gained a lot of attention from the immigrant community in New Zealand and Australia. Here are a few comments of the viewers who are following the platform on Facebook.

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Viewers of 'Behind the Dreams' show gives a five-star rating for its quality content, Rachit’s great interviewing style and advice given by the people who have already tested the waters. People are raving about the show and have recommended migrants to take advantage show’s original and new content to help them achieve success in their careers.

Rachit has also been dedicatedly involved in the community work for Indians in New Zealand. He created the Biggest Indian Meetup group in NZ where Kiwi-Indians can engage with each other in a positive and supportive way. 

“The Indian Auckland Meetup is specifically for people who are willing to meet like-minded people, have fun, celebrate festivals, share problems and celebrate who we are on foreign land,” Rachit says.

The most recent meet-up event was held on Sunday, January 19, which was attended by 95 people at Cornwall Park in the morning. This meet-up event had people from different age groups and walks of life who came to the event with homemade food, mixed and mingled with each other and had a great time together. 

“The concept behind such meet up was to break the ice, get to know one another, and yes Facebook is a great medium to make friends, but nothing makes more impact when you meet someone new in person and get to know them,” Rachit added.