The last political poll before tomorrow's election puts Labour on 45.8 percent and National on 31.1 percent.

The Newshub Reid Research has the Greens on 6.3 percent, ACT at 7.4 percent and NZ First at 3.5 percent.

These numbers would allow Labour and the Greens to form a government.

In the preferred Prime Minister numbers, Labour leader Jacinda Ardern has 52.6 percent support - down 0.6 points - while Collins is on 18.4 percent - up 0.7 points.

The poll also has found support for the End of Life Choice Bill at 56.1 percent, compared to 33.4 percent against it, while the cannabis legalisation question has 55.6 percent against it and 38.3 percent in favour of changing the status quo.

Electoral Commission figures show that more than 1.7 million people have already cast their vote for tomorrow's election.

Auckland was popular with political party leaders on the last day of the campaign with Labour's Jacinda ArdernNational's Judith Collins, ACT's David Seymour and Green Party co-leader Marama Davidson all campaigning there. New Zealand First leader Winston Peters opted for Northland, while Green Party co-leader James Shaw was in Wellington.

Last night's political poll published by 1 News Colmar Brunton had support for Labour at 46 percent, National on 31 percent with the Greens and ACT both on 8 percent and New Zealand First coming in at 3 percent.