Like every week, we reached out to our readers, seeking their views on this week's topic. Here's what they had to say.

This week's question: What are your thoughts about the brutal killing of Indian bus driver Manmeet Alisher in Australia?

Narender Drall, Sandringham

It is a sad day for humanity that someone has been burnt alive. It cannot get worse than this. I hope the law gives justice to the young soul and his family.

Amit Sharma, Henderson

His death will not go in vain; justice will be served to Manmeet. This is probably a wake-up call for many to monitor the mental health of individuals.

Beant Kaur, Sandringham 

From what I’ve heard and read, Manmeet was a singer, an honest man and a great soul. My condolences are with his family.

Sahil Sharma, Te Atatu

The taxi driver who helped escape other passengers should be given a bravery award. It is inhumane to have burnt a man alive but you see a contrast there. Another person saved the life of 11 in the same place and at the same time.

Govind Nain, Mt Roskill

What happened was wrong and the culprit should be given the severest punishment. Torching someone to death is a crime. I just wish that this does not happen to anyone else in this world.

Devesh Kamra, Mt Eden 

It is appalling to hear such news. The whole world is in a shock. Let his death not go in vain and justice prevails.