

Don’t get distracted or drawn in by office gossip, it could lead to awkward moments later. Someone may use you to his or her ends, so be careful. Your romantic endeavours are likely to be rewarded in full measure, but your efforts will need to be commensurate.This is a fine time to apply for a car loan as chances of its getting sanctioned look bright. You may plan your vacation, but things may not go exactly as per plans.Sales professionals will need to be at their networking best to get good deals.


Lucky Number- 11

Lucky Colour- Silver




A celebration is likely to be organised soon.You can be a complete wash out in front of your rivals without competitive spirit. Those in the creative field can have a tough time in convincing a client. Be diplomatic in your interactions with your colleagues, your blunt assessment of things could hurt feelings.Switching over to healthy food will be in your favour for retaining good health. You may want to splurge on loved ones this weekend.


Lucky Number- 7

Lucky Colour- Magenta




Those in charge at work can punch holes in the task allotted to you and make you start all over again. Stop micro-managing and start delegating. Those in fairly new romantic relationships may want to make a deeper commitment shortly. An urgently required loan is likely to be sanctioned. Much excitement is in store for you on the romantic front in this week.Buying property or starting a construction is indicated for some.Help will be forthcoming.


Lucky Number- 17

Lucky Colour- Light Gray




Expenditure can only be controlled if you adhere to the budget. Maintain a balanced approach at the workplace as arguments with fellow colleagues are likely.Stability in life is the need of the hour, whether it is personal or professional life. Focus on reaching a consensus with colleagues to improve your relationships with them. Travel bug may bite and take you out on a short journey. Construction may begin for an addition to your existing house.


Lucky Number- 1

Lucky Colour- Orange




You may need to give credit to someone, who has put in his bit in your success. This is a good period to spend on self-grooming or go in for an image makeover. Good returns can be expected by agents in a real estate deal. You must attend a family get-together to meet someone you have not met in ages. Time is ripe to express your love to the one you desire.Travelling out station this weekend can become more time consuming and stressful than expected.


Lucky Number- 21

Lucky Colour- Cream




You may have to remain in the right frame of mind to tackle a sensitive matter.You are likely to prove your mettle on the professional front and make others look up to you as their leader.Jewellers or those dealing in gold and precious stones can find the week profitable. Your contribution to a workplace project or assignment may not appear adequate to higher ups. Be diplomatic if required to express your feelings and clear the air with someone. Health remains satisfactory.


Lucky Number- 11

Lucky Colour- Violet




Approaching someone for a favour is the best course to take. Chances of getting ticked off for something not delivered on the professional front cannot be ruled out. You may need to think on a different line to get a problem within grasp. Those embroiled in a legal battle can expect a trying time ahead before achieving victory. A chance to showcase talents will have to be seized. Applying new strategies at work will give you an edge over others.You may face some irreversible challenges in romantic relationships.


Lucky Number- 9

Lucky Colour- Purple




This is not the time to incur any heavy expenditure as it may become difficult for you to cover up this amount.You may find difficult to get things done by subordinates, but it won’t affect your overall schedule. Changes made by you at the workplace may not be appreciated by subordinates.Organising a party can have its share of hassles, but it will turn out to be a thumping success. Those longing for lover will have to think out ways of meeting more often. An estranged family member may keep you mentally tensed.You manage good health.


Lucky Number- 18

Lucky Colour- Red




You will need to remain guarded at work. Look interested, as your indifferent attitude can put off lover. A business deal may not turn out the way you expected. Those of you looking for work could hear some developments soon.Thoughts of getting even with someone will make it difficult for you to keep your mind at rest. Keep your mood swings under control as they threaten to spoil the work atmosphere. Impulsive remarks will only worsen the situation. Loved ones will appreciate your support but also need their space.


Lucky Number- 15

Lucky Colour- White




Turbulence on the domestic front should be sorted out without any delay. There is no point in continuing in a dud job that drains you mentally and physically, so take your call if you hit the right opportunity.An expected raise or bonus can be denied adding to your frustration. Your pet project can collect dust due to your inability to raise enough funds. Legal cases will be sorted in your interest. You may spoil your chances of excelling by ignoring someone’s guidance. Meditation will help you relax.Beloved may oppose your travel plans.



Lucky Number- 8

Lucky Colour- Electric Grey




There is many a slip between the cup and the lip, so don't get upbeat about anything, unless you are certain. Out of box thinking will help you plan better career moves and also pave the way for new avenues.Focus on meeting important deadlines; delays will not go down well. Homemakers may find it difficult to balance the budget due to mounting expenses. A medical condition can aggravate and even warrant hospitalisation for those ailing for long. Romantic front proves promising.


Lucky Number- 3

Lucky Colour-Light Yellow




The week looks to be hectic at work and distractions too will make it harder for you to concentrate on the tasks.You will need to do the balancing act on the professional front, so as not to fall foul of anyone. Plans may have to be reworked to make them more efficient. Maintain confidence regarding a property deal being negotiated by you. Sharing your innermost thoughts with someone close is not recommended at this juncture.

Lucky Number- 2

Lucky Colour- Cream