God incarnates from the state of Atma (Universal Absolute Consciousness) to the state of Deha (Body), to play a specific role as a part of HIS Cosmic Drama. The formless supreme Lord chose to take on a phenomenal and wondrous form as Sri Sathya Sai Baba, lovingly called ‘Swami’ on 23 November1926 at Puttaparthi, India. He embodied Himself with dark aura of hairs, dressed in graceful saffron robe, with charming smile added with dripping love endearing Him to all hearts.

The Divine Script of His leela (divine play) was written, directed and put into action by Him alone in His own unique fashion. During his physical Divine presence, millions of people have been corrected, straightened, advised, admonished, sheltered, reformed, clothed, fed, educated, nursed, cured, guarded, guided and transformed every second of the day all over the globe. He just worked, day and night, continuously to uplift the mankind to Divinity. He had been an open book in which the essence of Divinity inscribed in golden letters, "Love All Serve All" and "Help Ever Hurt Never”. The two axioms that best summarized His Life and His Teachings are based on Five Human Values: Sathya (Truth), Dharma (Right Conduct), Shanthi (Peace), Prema (Love) and Ahimsa (Non-Violence). He advised the easiest way to see the same ONE GOD in all is to lead life’s journey with the help of the Five Human Values. It is only by practicing these five principles that one can know them, not merely by reading or writing about them. Any knowledge that is not put into practice is no knowledge at all.

On Sunday, 24 April 2011, when nobody ever imagined could ever happen, our Divine Master decided that He had given His Teachings and must now withdraw to His eternal, formless and omnipresent aspect, hence pulled the curtain and took Mahasamadhi. The Eternal dissolved into Eternity, leaving his devotees to come of age and behave like adults and improve spiritually by carrying on His Mission, besides spreading His Teachings. He never passed away but He passed His Love and Message into us.

Due to His utmost Grace we knew of His Divine presence on earth and we must dare to declare that

• The Divine Master/Love or God Himself walked on Two Feet
• We lived with God and God lived amongst us
• We have witnessed this to be true

It's time now to experience eternity. His essence lives on through all of us, a fragment of Him in all that we see. He is still with us in many forms: in dreams, visions, vibhuti, visitations, a sense of His presence. In His Universal form He can be found in all beings and is manifesting in all world religions and traditions in their forms of worship. And in the formless, it can be interpreted as that it is infinite silence, eternal peace, emptiness of desires and attachments: pure love, which is everything.

We must graduate now in the Cosmic University and pledge by paying our homage and tribute to our Divine master with a working Action Plan to:

• Live in constant integrated awareness (CIA) of His Omniscient, Omnipresence and Omnipotent
• Live His message of Sathya, Dharma, Prema, Shanti and Ahimsa
• Maintain purity and harmony in our Thoughts, Words and Deeds
• Help Ever, Hurt Never, Love All, Serve All
• Have courage and determination to listen to our “Inner voice” and walk on it at all time
• Make “Samastha Lokaah Sukhino Bhavantu” (Let all the being in all the worlds be happy) a way of our life

If we listen to His voice in Silence of our mind, we might hear, “I am always with you, and you are forever with Me, Remember that you are a fragment of Me, Blaze forth My beloved child, My divine love and energy, Emitting My light, reflecting Me, Mine you are and evermore shall be...”

O My beloved Sai Maa, Divine Mother! How greatly indebted are we to you! Our heads bow low in gratitude at Thy Divine Lotus Feet!