
Your performance on the academic front may show a downward trend. There is a likelihood of total breakdown of communications with spouse over a domestic issue. This is the right time to go in for finer adjustments needed on the professional front. You will be expected to invest extra time at office. The success you receive at work will motivate you to perform better. You will need to nurture your romance to strengthen the relationship. Health and finances remain satisfactory. 

Lucky number: 4

Lucky colour: Dark grey


Your good gestures will be reciprocated and help you to be upbeat with those around you. You may be called by someone in authority at a short notice this week. Praise for good work done on the professional or academic front is in the pipeline for some. Expect to take your romance to the next level. Organizing a party or a get-together may fall on your shoulders on the social front. Someone is likely to do you a good turn. Those in advisory capacity at work may feel their relevance wearing thin.

Lucky number: 22

Lucky colour: Maroon


Keeping up efforts in a home project will be important. You may be at your penny-pinching best this weekend, but money will still slip out of your hands. You may be undergoing a phase of self-doubt on the professional front. Others may appear more competent at work, but that may not be so. You will take some positive steps to restore your low self-esteem. There is a good chance of catching the eye of someone you secretly love. Health remains satisfactory.

Lucky number: 2

Lucky colour: Light red


Keep tabs of subordinates at work this week to avoid mistakes. You will need to consult someone knowledgeable before you set off on a venture. Financially, you will be winner all the way. Businessmen are likely to hit it rich as more opportunities come their way. Some are likely to get a new vehicle home. Those appearing for interviews should prefer wearing shades of blue. Students are likely to get a competitive edge on the academic front.

Lucky number: 11

Lucky colour: Cream


Work on the domestic front can hinder enjoyment, so delegate it to lighten your burden. Busy schedule may keep you from meeting lover, but you will make up for it. Someone may resent your not paying enough attention to a matter of common concern. You will be able to play your cards according to the circumstances prevailing at work. Your attempt to interfere in someone’s family matter may be highly resented. Health remains satisfactory.

Lucky number: 9

Lucky colour: Purple


Recognition for good work will come to you on the professional front. A misunderstanding will only be removed, if you explain things clearly. You may find yourself without help for doing household chores. Lover may stand you up, but will make up for it later. Impressing those who matter by your dedication at work will get you up the corporate ladder. Doubling your efforts on the health front will get you back in shape in no time.

Lucky number: 3

Lucky colour: Beige


Despite qualifications, some of you may find it difficult to land a decent job. Do not lose heart; it is just another not so good time professionally. Appreciation from those in your social circle is likely to give you a high. A function may be organized by some through their own efforts and resources. Your eagerness and never-say-die spirit can make you the frontrunner in the corporate rat race. Some of you may survey property and contact property dealers this weekend.

Lucky number: 8

Lucky colour: Bottle green


Sweat and toil of many months will finally see you emerge victorious on academic or professional front. Setting example for others to follow will be your focus at work. You will manage to knit your team together tightly and do well in a challenging task. You will be able to reap rich dividends from the past investments. Good understanding on the romantic front can be expected. A property dispute is likely to be resolved amicably. A shopping spree with friends is in the offing!

Lucky number: 5

Lucky colour: Brown


You are likely to become popular on the social front and take the centre stage in a gathering. Someone is likely to appreciate your contribution on the professional front. Hard work and efforts in the right direction are likely to pay rich dividends on the academic front. Your romantic feelings are likely to be reciprocated by the one you love. You enjoy good health. You may have to pursue someone for getting a favor done. Someone is likely to convey a piece of good news to you.

Lucky number: 6

Lucky colour: Yellow


You will need to speak directly to someone for getting something done. Goodwill created by you at work will stand you in good stead. You may get the opportunity to go on a shopping spree with someone close. Those travelling abroad will find things favorable. Some of you may plan to look up an out of town relation. Acquiring a new house is possible for some.

Lucky number: 18

Lucky colour: Brown


Right moves on the professional front will help you take high strides in career. You are likely to remain socially active and may even plan a family gathering. Marriage of the eligible in the family is on the cards and may be solemnized soon. Those playing the stocks need to be careful. Previous investments promise to fetch handsome returns. Physical workout will recharge your mind & body. An overseas trip is on the anvil for some. Curtail frivolous expenses.

Lucky number: 15

Lucky colour: Rosy brown


Youngsters may enjoy an excursion with their group. Financial condition is set to improve for those feeling the pinch. Put more efforts to strike a balance between logic and intuition. This is a fun week to spend on the romantic front, so spend time with lover. Dream come true for those willing to buy a house as your home loan gets approved. Daily exercise routine will ensure your fitness level. Some of you may become the victim of boss’s bad mood in this week.

Lucky number: 1

Lucky colour: White