With post-election negotiations not having yet started, speculation is rife about who Winston Peters would eventually go with – National or the Labour and Greens.

Any speculation about a possible coalition between National and the Greens is being discarded as wishful thinking or as something that is almost inconceivable in New Zealand politics.

This piece argues why a coalition between National and the Greens is the best outcome for New Zealand and even more for the Greens if their commitment to ecological wisdom and environmental justice is absolute.

This could be the very moment of the Green Party and not Winston Peters, as we all are made to believe, only if Greens had political sagacity, and James Shaw dares to walk on an uncharted path.

First of all, let’s revisit the currently prevailing convenient line of speculation about who would Winston Peters eventually go with – National or Labour and Greens.

Speculations on these lines are based on two essential belief systems within New Zealand politics and broad political philosophy shaping it.

First, Winston Peters is the perennial kingmaker of New Zealand politics.

Second, the DNA of the Green Party is permanently hardwired to remain a junior partner to the Labour Party in New Zealand and within the overall framework of the political left (globally).

This has permanently crippled the Greens’ belief system that they could be kingmaker in New Zealand politics.

I am not sure how could a political party with such a limited self-belief be entrusted in bringing transformational changes within our economy, and day to day lifestyles, to eventually save our planet on the bigger scale or save our shrinking coastlines at home. 

This line of speculation undermines or literally ignores two important realities about rising trajectories of two key politicians in this election – Bill English and James Shaw.

Bill English – has surprised many political pundits by coming out so strongly with 46 per cent votes for a party going into a fourth term, especially when facing the star power of Jacinda Ardern.

James Shaw, who could have easily seen the end of his political career and presided over a complete wiping of the Green Party from the parliament, rather emerged strongly after the post-Jacinda affect. Clearly, it was the Green Party more than any other party which has faced the maximum threat with Jacinda’s star power with its large number of votes shifting back to Labour. 

Sadly, in the current post-election negotiations phase both these politicians are not getting their share of the glory.

Right now it is a defining moment for Winston Peters, but it could be a very defining moment for the Greens, which could not only change the political landscape of New Zealand but also the global political landscape of larger green politics.

It has been too long that the global green movement has conveniently coalesced with the political left, perpetuating the myth that only green-left combination has the wherewithal to act progressively and save our collective environment.

This is nothing but a regressive thought in itself, which the proponents of social progressiveness detest so wholeheartedly.

New Zealand has been a world leader on many previous occasions in showing the world the right way of doing things – be it empowering women by being the first country to give voting rights to women or be it on issues such as banning nuclear ships into New Zealand including those of the United States.

There is clearly an opportunity for New Zealanders to take the lead once again and show the world how the Greens could become a dominant political force in its own right which can form, make, or break governments.