National has only had success in keeping New Zealand prosperous and making effective policy over the past years thanks to its partnership with ACT.  Whenever wasteful spending crept into budget discussions, ACT was there to sound the alarm and protect taxpayers.  When criminals continued to endanger public safety without sufficient penalties, ACT’s Three Strikes policy provided a meaningful deterrent to recidivism.

Some disappointed people may look to Jacinda Ardern and Labour since her ascent as leader seems to give the party more hope.  But despite her best intentions, an unstable, uncoordinated, and scandal-ridden center-left coalition would not deliver the promise of equality in education, protection of young Kiwis from crime, or giving young people the chance to own their own homes.

One simple step to address crime would be to create a Three Strikes for Burglary law, similar to the existing law for a violent crime, to ensure repeat burglars go to jail and stay there. ACT would also reduce robberies of dairies by cutting the tobacco tax that turns cigarettes into gold bars.

No party has been tougher on crime than ACT, but we also recognize the need to be smarter on crime as well. ACT’s policy of incentivising prisoners and youth offenders to learn to read and get driver’s licenses in prison has been welcomed by the Howard League for Penal Reform and the Sensible Sentencing Trust as a realistic and fair way to decrease re-offending and address causes of crime.

As the Under-Secretary to the Minister of Education, I worked tirelessly with National to make choice in education a reality, through Partnership Schools. Every Kiwi, regardless of race or social status, deserves a quality education. This cuts right to the heart of fairness and equality in our society. Partnership schools give students opportunity and hope; schools should offer student engagement, which turns into skills, which in turn turns into jobs, careers, and ultimately a feeling of self-worth. Partnership Schools are the only schools where attendance is a required target for the administrators and teachers, which in turn helps keeping at risk youth off the streets. I am proud to be part of a party that has been the greatest champion of equality for young Kiwis of all races who can one day own their own futures.

Every New Zealander who prioritises personal freedom and responsibility, wants New Zealand’s youngsters to have top-notch education, and are welcoming to peaceful and productive migrants will have a champion in the next government.  All it takes to own your future is a Party Vote for ACT.