Politics is a fast moving game at the best of times, but in the past three weeks, we have seen three party leaders from three different parties resign. While this is exciting for journalists and political watchers, it makes the rest of us hard working New Zealanders nervous. I’m not here to give my opinion on the changes we have seen and the reasons behind the changes. But rather I would like to drag us all back to earth and have a good look at the situation.

With a significant portion of the country in the midst of ‘Jacindamania’, we have seen a rebalancing of the electorate. While the Greens have been riding in the low to mid teens for the past nine years, with the new Labour leader we are seeing the tide of Labour voters start to move back.

We have seen this before, if you cast your mind back to 2002 when Bill English was last the Leader of the National Party. National plummeted to 19 per cent on election night while United Future took 8 seats and Act took 9. Well Peter Dunne just declared time on his fight to keep Ohariu and David Seymour is taking hand outs from the government to keep the Act Party alive.

So while the reemergence of Labour as the significant party on the left is great for its supporters, it is bad news for the rest of us. The current state of the parties puts Winston Peters firmly in the role of 'king maker’. Going by the latest polls, neither Labour nor National could form a government without Winston Peters.

This should scare everyone in our community. If Winston has his way he would shut the door firmly to new immigrants. Leaving families separated and hurting. They like to talk about being a party for all New Zealanders, and being “race blind”. But lets be clear, NZ First only care about you if your skin is white and you're older than 60.

You can put New Zealand People’s Party in a position to take away this power. This September if we get 5 per cent of the party vote we will be in a position to take 6 MPs to Parliament. This would be a game changer for you and for New Zealand. We would be able to take your voice, your community, to the halls of Parliament.

We are better when we are together. We will get this done.