Fiji has recorded 274 new infections of COVID-19 in the 24-hour reporting period that ended at 8 am yesterday.

Permanent Secretary for Health, Doctor James Fong says the daily case average is expected to rise.

Doctor Fong adds there is a new area of concern in rifle range, Lautoka.

He says this is following a birthday party that was attended by 14 people from various locations in Lautoka.

“Not only does this event show a blatant disregard for COVID-19 safety measures, it also troubles me that families would recklessly threaten the health of their own family members and the broader community especially those members of the family and community that are most vulnerable.”

He adds following 74 recoveries since yesterday there are now 3503 active cases in the country.

Dr Fong says he has come in contact with a positive patient and is now under quarantine.

According to the COVID-19 dashboard there are five new areas of interest in the Central Division.

These include Coca Cola Amatil Limited, New World Nakasi, MV Uluinabukelevu, Viti Foods and Agro marketing.

Fiji has recorded a total of 4, 348 cases since April this year.

A total of 4418 cases has been recorded in Fiji since the first case was reported in March 2020, with 882 recoveries.