The global economy is experiencing a change like never before; across economic and social sectors, the "new normal" of the job market is all set to change.

The demand for skills will change as well and for the current workforce there may be an ardent need for learning and upskilling oneself on a regular interval.

Businesses across industries are staring at a period marked by uncertainty. The influx of unemployed people into the job market implies the need to stand out to land a job. Creating a recovery plan, cultivating resilience, exploring career options, updating one's resume, networking virtually, and improving job search and interview skills has become the need of the hour. In the current scenario, it's even more important to show that one has the ability to overcome and face challenges, say experts.

"The global economy has indeed been shaken by the COVID-19 outbreak, leading to a surge in people applying for jobs due to unemployment. In order to stand out, job seekers need to align to companies and the roles they seek - the central idea should be that of creating value. Professionals should clearly identify their skills. Further, the ability to adapt and showcase transferable skills can significantly improve your chances of landing that crucial first interview. It is also important to use all the tools and resources you have at your disposal to showcase not only hard skills, but demonstrate confidence, reliability and authenticity," said Ruchee Anand, Director, LinkedIn Talent and Learning Solutions.

Here are 7 tips to write a strong resume in the times of economic uncertainty:

Grab attention up top: A lot of people create a generic resume/CV and cover letter that they spray out to as many potential employers as possible. Rather than being known simply as someone who 'wants a job', be a person who 'creates value'. Avoid writing the general career summary and instead give the recruiter a quantifiable career snapshot that includes key points and successes from your career. Showcase expertise by highlighting industry-specific keywords and hard skills upfront in the form of bulleted lists that can help one's profile stand out.

Use 'call-outs': As a part of your resume, use call-outs that are visual, break up content and allow the eye to focus its attention on important points you want to make sure the employer will see. Including one's most noteworthy accomplishments can be especially useful to attract a hiring manager or applicant tracking system's attention.

Try a video resume: Another way to stand out is through a video resume which can showcase something from your career background that's sure to impress the hiring manager, especially if you tell it in the form of a story. The trick here is to be brief, specific and add a call-to-action.

Update your professional profile: Chances are that recruiters and hiring managers will also look at your profile. Making an impactful profile is essential - begin with updating the basics such as your profile photo and previous work experiences. Highlighting skills you've cultivated in previous positions is important in helping you rise to the top of the candidate pool. In fact, members with five or more skills listed on their LinkedIn profiles are discovered up to 27 times more in searches by recruiters.

Choose the best resume format: Depending on your personal and professional circumstances, choose between a chronological, functional, combination, or targeted resume depending on what fits your work experience, educational background, and skill set. Use a resume template as a starting point that allows for personal customization. Add your information to the resume template, and look at resume samples.

Ditch the one-size-fits-all resume: More than 50 per cent of professionals find it challenging to customize their resume for a specific role. Optimize your resume according to job descriptions, and write a custom resume for every job. Use subtle colour highlights to draw attention to important details. You can mould your own writing style to suit both employers and software bots. The trick is to use the right keywords but not copy another resume or job profile. Keep your resume under two pages as both software bots and hiring managers prefer concise, shorter resumes.

Transferable skills will be key: In the new normal, adding transferable skills like communication skills (such as speaking, listening, and writing), problem-solvingstrategic planning, project management, and decision making etc.), interpersonal skills (leadership, empathy and customer service) and organisational skills (e.g. reliability, time management) can significantly improve your chances of reaching the first interview stage. These skills prove effective when you want to change careers and switch industries as these abilities and talents are not industry-specific.