Kiwi-Indian MP Priyanca Radhakrishnan who is also the Private Secretary to Minister for Ethnic Communities Jenny Salesa had met with Information & Technology (IT) Minister of the Telangana state of India, KT Rama Rao, with propositions to enhance cooperation in the IT sector and start-up environment.

Hyderabad is a well known global centres of information technology a thriving information technology (IT) industry and start-up culture which hosts operating centres of some of the major multinational IT firms such as Microsoft, Apple, Google, Amazon, Samsung and many more. 

During her recent visit to Hyderabad, Ms Radhakrishnan met with IT Minister of the state and pitched for more nuanced collaborating between the start-up environment between the Cyberabad (the Cybercity) and New Zealand. 

“The Minister informed her of the government promoted T-Bridge, an initiative that helped connect local startups with global market opportunities, and said efforts would be made to work with New Zealand based start-ups, India's national media, a local daily The Hindu reported. 

Minister Rama Rao spoke about the flourishing IT sector of the state which is currently leading in the country in start-ups and innovation. He focussed on the T-Hub and We Hub program that encouraged and mentored start-ups in the state and also the government’s ambitious project T Hub 2 which is currently being built that will become the world's largest start-up incubator.

The Minister further discussed investment opportunities in industries and educational sectors in the state and prospects for mutual cooperation in Agritech and innovation sectors. 

“The Telangana government had been giving top priority to the agricultural and irrigation sectors which had led to an increase in crop production, giving a large scope for the Agritech and food processing industry,” Minister Rama Rao said. 

Minister Rama Rao applauded the leadership of Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and the progress the country is making under her vision. Ms Radhakrishnan extended a warm welcome to Minister Rama Rao to New Zealand and assured to arrange a formal meeting with PM Ardern on his visit. 

Ms Radhakrishnan has closely worked with Telangana community in New Zealand and mentioned to the minister the grandeur in which Bathukamma is celebrated in New Zealand by the community.