Situation Summary

As part of its response to managing the Covid-19 outbreak the New Zealand Government has travel restrictions in place for some foreign travellers. This decision will be reviewed every 48 hours and the Government will decide on or before Tuesday 3 March 2020 whether the travel restrictions need to remain in place.

These restrictions apply to any foreigners who:

· have been present in, or transited through, Iran or mainland China or any other notified country, 14 days prior to them departing for New Zealand. Mainland China includes all of China, but not Hong Kong SAR and Macau SAR, and not Taiwan.

· were a passenger or crew on board the Diamond Princess Cruise ship operated by Princess Cruises, or any other notified cruise ship, within 14 days of disembarking from the cruise ship.


The decision to deny boarding or refuse entry to New Zealand does not apply to New Zealand citizens, permanent residents, residents with valid travel conditions and their immediate family, who will still be able to come to New Zealand. Australian citizens and permanent residents are also not subject to the travel restrictions if New Zealand is their primary place of established residence. However, if they have been present in, or transited through mainland China or Iran 14 days before departing for New Zealand, they will be required to self-isolate for 14 days from the time they arrive in New Zealand.

Immigration New Zealand (INZ) is working with other government agencies to ensure a whole-of government approach is being taken to manage this evolving situation.

INZ’s Beijing office remains temporarily closed. There will be an impact on visa processing times as a result. However, INZ remains committed to minimising the impact on processing times as much as possible.

We understand visa applicants and current visa holders may have some questions about their specific circumstances. Below is some information that may help. These will be updated as more information becomes available.


General information for travellers

How long is the travel restriction in place for?

The travel restriction will be in place until Tuesday 3 March 2020 at this stage. This will be reviewed every 48 hours.


When will the decision to extend travel restrictions to individuals who have been in Iran come into force?

The travel restrictions for people who have been in or transited Iran will come into effect from 18:00 on Friday 28 February 2020. Travellers who have been in Iran in the last 14 days who are already on their way to NZ may be refused entry to New Zealand or denied boarding on flights to New Zealand. This will be decided on a case-by-case basis.

If I am flying from London to New Zealand via mainland China or Iran, only stopping in the transit lounge, will the travel restrictions still apply?

Yes, they apply to passengers transiting as well.

If I stay outside of mainland China or Iran for more than 14 days can I then travel to New Zealand?

Yes, currently there are no travel restrictions on other countries. Travel restrictions are being reviewed every 48 hours


When do the 14 days start from?

The 14 days is prior to boarding your plane or cruise liner to New Zealand. As an example, if you board your craft at 4:00pm on Monday 3 March 2020, you must have been outside of China or Iran since 4:00pm on Monday 17 February 2020.

Who is included in “immediate family”?

Immediate family includes partner/spouse, legal guardian and dependent children under the age of 24


Can immediate family members travel with a New Zealand citizen or resident?

Yes, immediate family members travelling to New Zealand with a New Zealand citizen or resident family member will be able to enter. They must have a valid visa or NZeTA as appropriate. All members must self- isolate for 14 days on arrival.

Can immediate family members travel by themselves?

No, immediate family members cannot travel by themselves. They must travel with the New Zealand citizen or resident family member on the same flight to New Zealand.

Are residents subject to the travel restrictions?

Residents with valid travel conditions will be able to travel to New Zealand. Residents with expired travel conditions will be subject to the travel restrictions and will be denied boarding or refused entry. However, individuals in this situation may be able to apply to have their resident visa travel conditions reinstated.


Do the travel restrictions apply to Australian citizens and Australian permanent residents? Australian citizens and permanent residents can enter New Zealand if it is their primary place of established residence. They will be required to self-isolate for 14 days on arrival.


Are air crew affected by the travel restrictions?

Air crew are exempt from the travel restrictions.

Information for all visa holders

I am in New Zealand on a visa that is about to expire, but I can’t go back to my home country due to the travel restrictions.

We are sympathetic to individuals who are currently in New Zealand and are unable to return to their home country due to the coronavirus outbreak and current travel restrictions. INZ is currently looking at options to facilitate these individuals. We encourage anyone in this situation to contact INZ to discuss their situation. Individuals who are currently in New Zealand are able to apply for a further visa, which will be assessed on a case by case basis against immigration instructions, taking into account the current coronavirus outbreak and any relevant travel restrictions.

I have been granted a visa but I am no longer able to travel to New Zealand because I left or transited mainland China or Iran within the past 14 days.

Individuals in this situation will be refused entry to New Zealand and will not be able to travel until the restrictions are lifted by the New Zealand Government.

Can I travel to a country that is not affected by the travel restriction, then spend 14 days there, before travelling to New Zealand?

Yes. If you left or transited Mainland China or Iran, and spent at least 14 days immediately prior to boarding a flight to New Zealand in a country that is not affected by travel restrictions, you can travel to New Zealand provided you hold a valid visa. You should be able to prove that you have been outside of Mainland China or Iran for at least 14 days before you attempt to travel to New Zealand.

Can I get a refund for my visa if I’m not able to travel to New Zealand due to the travel restrictions?

Individuals who have already been approved a visa but are no longer able to come to New Zealand are not able to get a refund. INZ notes that the majority of Chinese travellers are granted a multiple-entry visitor visa for up to a maximum of five years.

I have applied for a visa but can no longer travel to New Zealand as originally planned due to the travel restrictions. Can I withdraw my application and get a refund?

Applicants who have applied for a visa who no longer wish to, or cannot, travel to New Zealand are able to withdraw their application by contacting INZ. INZ is looking at options around refunds for individuals whose visa application has not yet been decided and are impacted by the travel restrictions.

Information for Student visa holders

I have been approved for a student visa but am unable to arrive in New Zealand by the “first entry before” date on my visa due to travel restrictions. Do I need to apply for a new student visa in this situation?

If you are a student affected by the travel restrictions, and you hold a student visa with a “first entry before date”, INZ has automatically amended your visa conditions to allow you to travel for the duration of your visa. You will have received a reissued eVisa from INZ.

What happens to my attendance records if I am in quarantine or self-isolating once I’ve arrived in New Zealand?

Immigration instructions require that you attend your programme of study at all times as required, unless there are genuine reasons for absence. If you are following New Zealand Ministry of Health guidelines for self-isolation contact your education provider urgently. If they agree, they will update your attendance record to clearly note that your absence is due to genuine circumstances.

Can the New Zealand Government exempt Chinese international students from the travel restrictions?

Coronavirus is a global public health issue and our priority is the health and safety of people in New Zealand. Any proposals to alter status at the border will need to be based on public health information and advice. The New Zealand Government and education providers will continue to support international students impacted by the coronavirus outbreak. The New Zealand Government is reviewing its position regularly.

I have more questions about my specific circumstances. Who can I talk to?

Student visa holders or applicants who have more questions should contact INZ about their situation. Individuals who have specific questions about their study plans should contact their education provider. INZ will be providing education providers with more detailed information as the situation evolves.

Information for cruise ships and maritime vessels

Will cruise ship passengers be allowed to enter New Zealand if they have been in mainland China or Iran in the last 14 days?

Cruise liners are required by law to ask passengers to declare whether they have been in mainland China or Iran in the last 14 days. Any passengers who have been in mainland China or Iran in the previous 14 days will not be permitted to board. In addition, cruise liners have implemented their own screening measures to protect their passengers and crew which align to the new requirements.

Are cruise ship crew included in the travel restrictions?

No, cruise crew are exempt from the travel restrictions.

Are commercial ship crew included in the travel restrictions?

No, crew on board commercial vessels are exempt from the travel restrictions.

How will unwell marine crew and passengers be managed?

If a passenger or crew member becomes unwell and docks at a New Zealand port, the Ministry of Health will be notified and will manage their care.

Visa processing times

INZ is working hard to minimise the impacts of the Covid-19 and our Beijing office closure on visa processing times.

Student and visitor visa applications that would normally be decided by our Beijing office are being transferred to other processing offices as soon as possible for applicants who are not subject to the travel restrictions.

We expect most student and visitor visa applications will continue to be decided within normal timeframes. Processing times for those applications that are not submitted with all the required documentation, or require further verification, will take longer. Applicants should ensure they have provided all the required documentation with their application, and that it is submitted at least eight weeks ahead of the intended travel or visa renewal date.

Due to the reallocation of work to other offices, we expect that processing times for Essential Skills temporary work visas will increase and recommend these applications are submitted three months prior to the required start date of the visa.