Organisations that support women are invited to apply to a new $1,000,000 fund as part of the Government’s COVID-19 response.

“We know women, and organisations that support women, have been affected by COVID-19. This new money will ensure funding for groups that support women and women’s rights,” said Minister for Women Julie Anne Genter.

“Issues related to gender equality can take a backseat during emergencies and crises, and this results in worse outcomes for women and girls. Greater loss of income, increased instances of domestic violence, and increased caring responsibilities all impact on women.

“Many NGOs that support women have reduced income and volunteer numbers due to the impacts of COVID-19, and at the same time, they have many more people needing their support and/or services.

“I particularly want to encourage groups that work with wahine Maori to apply.

“We welcome applications to improve outcomes for women and girls which have not been covered by other government funds. This may include initiatives such as opening a community centre for an additional day in order to provide extra services, or supporting a women’s centre to deliver counselling services.

Organisations will be able to apply for funding to support the government priorities of healthy and safe communities, reducing family and sexual violence, and improving child wellbeing.

“This funding supports NGOs and women’s organisations to be sustainable and make the difference we need in communities to empower women and girls in Aotearoa New Zealand,” says Julie Anne Genter.

Applications will be available for the fund from the Ministry for Women from today, and will close on Monday 15 June. More information on the fund can be found at