The National Party has released a border safety plan against Covid-19 virus promising to create a dedicated border agency in the first 100 days of coming into government and regular testing of frontline staff. 

In a press release  this morning the National Party has avowed to put the responsibility on future international travelers to provide evidence of a negative Covid-19 test before arriving in New Zealand.

 “The threat of Covid-19 will be with us for years to come and National is committed to safeguarding the health of all New Zealanders, as well as the wider economy,” Judith Collins said. 

The party had also avowed to bring comprehensive oversight in day to day operations of the border security management along with a promise to use compulsory contact tracing technologies by agency employees, border facility workers, and District Health Board staff who treat or test patients. 

Judith Collins has criticised the government for its alleged ineptitude in border security management. 

“The current ad-hoc system of managing Covid-19 at our border – putting various agencies in charge of different facets – has led to a disorderly and confused response, putting the health and livelihoods of five million New Zealanders at risk,” Ms Collins says.

“More than 1.6 million Aucklanders are locked down right now because the Government dropped the ball on testing, tracing and managing people in isolation. It’s not good enough,” Collins said. 

National's Health spokesperson Dr Shane Reti said that the Party recognises the need to also prepare a second line of defence, behind our border, so any incursions can be identified, traced and isolated quickly.

“The first line of defence must be strong border management, but a high-quality contact tracing system is a vital second line.

“With strong contact tracing systems and a more sophisticated testing and compliance structure we can minimise the impact of further incursions and protect those vulnerable to the disease.”

National will follow international models and require people coming into the country to not only quarantine but also test themselves for Covid-19 three days before departure, and provide the results of that test to airline staff before boarding their plane, Dr Reti says.