Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has announced a new Ministry of Ethnic Communities as a part of the response to the Royal Commission of Inquiry into the Christchurch terror attack.

By doing so PM Ardern has fulfilled a long pending demand of upgrading the current Office of Ethnic Communities into a full-fledged Ministry – an electoral promise that Labour Party made in 2017 campaign and has failed to fulfil in its first term.

In line with recommendation 30 of the Royal Commission report, this Government is establishing the Ministry for Ethnic Communities.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern

This new Ministry will take the place of the Office for Ethnic Communities and will increase the standing and mana of the agency, improve the leadership within the public sector and provide a greater ability to deliver on the ongoing work to better support and respond to the needs of our diverse communities.

This new Ministry will be a departmental agency, hosted by DIA and will take effect from 1 July 2021.

Kiwi-Indian MP Priyanca Radhakrishnan is the current Minister of Ethnic Communities as a Minister outside the cabinet.

Speaking to the Indian Weekender Minister Radhakrishnan said, “I'm delighted that our Government has decided to upgrade the Office of Ethnic Communities to a Ministry."

"This is something that has been long called for by many leaders from our ethnic communities. It will increase the standing and the mana of this agency. It will improve the leadership of the agency across the public service and include a direct reporting line to the responsible Minister—in this case, myself as the Minister for Diversity, Inclusion & Ethnic Communities.

"Our Government is committed to ensuring that everyone - including members of our ethnic communities - feel safe, valued, heard and are able to participate fully in society. We have a strong programme of work to achieve this. The new Ministry for Ethnic Communities will enable us to better understand the communities we serve and achieve significant progress," Minister Radhakrishnan said.