The Race Relations Commissioner Dame Susan Devoy is concerned at attacks suffered by Indian New Zealanders in recent weeks.

“These unprovoked attacks were caught on camera and we encourage people to film incidents that happen to them: this is an ugly part of our country but one that we need to highlight as much as possible,” said Dame Susan.

“I encourage our politicians and other leaders to stand up for New Zealanders who are under attack.”

“This is not who we are and those people who think it’s OK to attack other people and that the only New Zealanders are ones that look like them need to grow up and get real.”

“We are one of the most ethnically diverse nations on the planet as well as one of the most peaceful: if we want to keep it that way then some of us need to really pull our heads in. This behaviour is shameful.”

“We are witnessing appalling, deadly race attacks overseas and Kiwis need to ask ourselves: is this what we want here? I don’t think we do. This is not the New Zealand we want our kids growing up in”