
Your bubbly nature is likely to attract people like moth to flame. Someone is likely to rope you in for organizing an event because of your classy attitude. Your reputation on the social front is likely to suffer; exercise caution. Lack of assertiveness may make people take you for granted on the professional front. You will feel better provided you learn to be more systematic in life. Spending time with neighbours will while away the lonely hours for the elders.


Lucky number:22

Lucky colour: Purple



You can be upstaged at work by a close rival. Do not be restless even if you feel you are in a rut. Excelling on the academic front is foretold. Good news awaits some on the home front. Someone may give you a bright idea at work and you may get down to doing it. You will be able to keep yourself abreast of the latest on the professional front. There is a likelihood of love blossoming into budding romance. Avoid any investments this week.

Lucky number:15

Lucky colour: Sea green



A change is coming your way and will prove most favourable. Someone’s achievement will get you into a celebrations mood. A serious approach and careful attention to detail at work is needed. Working with new technologies will be challenging for some but you will manage to sail through well. Control over your tongue will only help you get away from any more problems. Plans for a vacation may have to be revised. Singles should be realistic about their expectations from potential relationships.

Lucky number:4

Lucky colour: Dark red



This is the right time to actively pursue your goals. Some of you may be entrusted with more responsibilities at work. A superstitious mumbo-jumbo can get the better of you. Some of you may resent the participation of a family elder in your future plans. Acquiring a property is possible for some. Travelling with family will be fun. You will manage to get the better of your social rivals. Take up meditation or yoga for achieving a fit body and mind.

Lucky number:1

Lucky colour: Orange



Impressing those who matter on the professional front will not be too difficult this week. Someone you are infatuated with is likely to call you over. Returns from a business venture are likely to brighten up your period. Homemakers may have their hands full in doing up the house. You will soon go on a fitness spree just to get back in shape. Students may need someone’s guidance on the academic front, so don’t hesitate. Some major changes are foreseen on the domestic front.

Lucky number:11

Lucky colour: Lavender



This is one of the good period. Superiors will look up to you in a professional situation. Your academic performance will be above par. Avoid stressful situations at work by keeping a low profile. Your intelligence and competence promise to keep you way ahead in a competitive environment. Company of lover will prove immensely joyful. Those travelling long distance by road can expect a comfortable time. Health remains good. Keep a watch on wasteful expenditure.

Lucky number:5

Lucky colour: Bluish green



You are likely to get an opportunity to dictate terms at work. Certain delays could result in change of plans but won’t affect your deadlines. Your domestic burden may be shared by other family members. Heart-to-heart talk will bring you closer to the one you love. Try deliberately to deal with an old ailment that is playing up. A change of scene is likely for those planning a vacation. Mutual respect and concern for each other is likely to bring couples closer.

Lucky number:9

Lucky colour: Yellow



Your enthusiasm about certain ongoing projects will help you come up with fresh insights. Guard against making impulsive decisions. Realising a handsome amount from someone is possible on the financial front. Value of something that you had invested in is likely to depreciate. Excesses can have an adverse effect on your health. An awaited result may have you on pins and needles. You get to enjoy a stable love life. An excursion with friends can be planned and will prove most exciting.

Lucky number:3

Lucky colour: Magenta



You will find things moving your way on the professional front. Budding romance may find some sitting on Cloud Nine. Getting into two minds regarding someone who seems interested in you on the romantic front may delay the inevitable.Planning a vacation with friends and family will prove to be a lot of fun. A family youngster is likely to win your admiration. Those into real estate will find a venture profitable. Health of those ailing is likely to improve. 


Lucky number:17

Lucky colour: Light Grey



Your visibility is now strengthened on the professional front. Helping out someone in need will give you a sense of self-worth and fulfilment. A family youngster setting out on a new job or higher studies will become a source of pride. Try keeping partner’s romantic interest alive through your flirty ways. Good financial management is likely to benefit. Your busy schedule may keep you from enjoying the social scene. The health of the spouse needs some concern.

Lucky number:8

Lucky colour: Violet



The week begins on a good note. The Strong financial front will make you think on the lines of a big investment. Children are likely to add a feather in the cap. Someone may help you regain your position on the social front. A slow and steady approach will help you in taking firm control at work. Differences with the spouse or lover begin to disappear now. A trip to strengthen the spiritual ties cannot be ruled out for some. Finances will be stable.

Lucky number:18

Lucky colour: Saffron



Your ideas on the home front will be smoothly implemented. At work, you can be efficiently personified. Some of you may plan to purchase some property. A good time is foreseen for students appearing in a competitive exam. A choice posting is likely for government employees. Use your intellect to respond quickly to new ideas in business.Your health consciousness is likely to contribute towards maintaining good health. Travelling to meet some old friends will prove exciting.

Lucky number:6

Lucky colour: Turquoise