National is the only party that has a clear plan to tackle housing challenges and is delivering on its promises. 

Just take a look at the last three months for proof. 

Last week, the Point England Development Enabling Bill passed through Parliament. This will bring 300 homes to 12 hectares of land previously used for grazing cows. 

In May, Social Housing Minister Amy Adams announced 34,000 new houses would be built under the banner of its Crown Building Project. 

There were also the changes in April to the Resource Management Act through the Resource Legislation Amendment Bill. 

This reform was critical to addressing housing supply and affordability by making it easier, faster and less costly to create new sections. Section prices in Auckland have gone from $100,000 in 1990 to $530,000 today and are the core reason housing has become excessively expensive. 

The reforms addressed this core issue by opening up land supply, reducing the time taken to get consents, reducing the cost of land subdivision and enabling the construction of infrastructure. 

The number and value of homes being constructed are continuing to build, with the 2794 building consents issued nationally in May the highest for this month for more than 40 years. 

These positive figures show the Government’s efforts to grow housing supply through Housing Accords, Special Housing Areas, RMA reform and increasing Government housing initiatives are continuing to deliver results. 

Despite other parties talking about the need to build more houses, they oppose new developments at every turn. You can’t trust Labour and the Greens on this issue, with weak leadership and constant infighting. Only National can deliver more housing for New Zealanders. 

A good example is the Crown Building Project, which will be the real game changer for Auckland. On average, the equivalent of three and a half new houses across every street in Auckland will be built. 

It’s a big commitment, but one which will see 8300 old rundown houses in Auckland replaced with 34,000 brand new purpose-built houses over 10 years. 

These houses will be spread throughout Auckland including the Manukau East electorate where suburbs like Otahuhu will be the site of 189 new houses. 

This project will build 13,500 new social houses and 20,600 new affordable and market homes and will help Auckland’s most vulnerable families, along with first home buyers and the wider market. 

At least 20 per cent of the new builds will be affordable housing aimed at first home buyers, which means they will be under the KiwiSaver HomeStart cap of $650,000. 

This plan has been carefully scoped, designed and fully funded, and already builders are on site and getting stuck in. 

This Government has made it a priority to make social housing work better, and this project fits into the Government’s wider Social Housing reforms, which already supports 310,000 households with their accommodation to the tune of $2.3 billion this year.

 National is proud to take housing seriously, and we have a clear plan to keep delivering more affordable houses, more social housing, and ensure we’re cutting red tape so it is easier to build.