Professional Business and Restaurant School’s Chef Antony is one of best tutors of the school who has a great deal of industrial experience including top five-Star luxury hotels, restaurant, cruise ship and fine dining kitchens. Chef Anthony is a professional baker with a huge experience and also possesses great cooking skills in other areas as well.

Every year he trains the students in different categories to achieve the best results. Under his training and mentorship, the students have achieved more than six gold medals in both Auckland regional and National competitions in 2017 for Fruit flan and Live Café breakfast. 

The recent Auckland regionals have already brought two Gold medals, and now he is entirely focusing in his training to students to bring more gold medals. 

The Indian Weekender spoke with the star-tutor of PBRS to know about his passion for food and his expertise that has brought his students' multiple awards at different culinary competitions in and around the country. 

IWK: Where are you from and your background in the field of hospitality?

Chef Antony: I hail from Mumbai in India. Having done my hospitality training, specializing in bakery and confectionery with an overall work experience of 18 years, I have worked back home for the Regent Mumbai, Oberoi Towers and then decided to head to the open seas working on the cruise ships for six years before I decided to come to this beautiful country to call it home.

IWK: Tell us about your life in PBRS?

CA: I joined PBRS over three-and-a-half years ago and have enjoyed every minute being part of this organisation, not only because I have learnt and developed my skills but also because I have met some amazing and talented colleagues.

The reason I enjoy working at PBRS is that I get an opportunity to interact with so many different students who come to the school with different cultures and personalities.

IWK: How do you feel your students excelling in the Culinary Championship?

CA: With regard to culinary competitions, this is going to be my fourth year of training and I am very proud of the achievements of the students I have trained, not only because they have won medals but also because they have always taken feedback and criticism onboard and worked on perfecting what they were guided to do pushing their limits and making themselves more professional and disciplined.

To make the classes enjoyable, I organise different activities, explain the subject in detail, ask underpinning questions, organise field trips.

IWK: Why are the Chefs’Association competitionsthe key to students’ achievement?

CA: As mentioned earlier, the students who have trained under me have become more disciplined and professional and understand that if they want to excel in the hospitality industry their hard work, focus and determination are the key factors that will help them achieve their goals.

IWK: Your passion for the culinary career….

CA: As I child I was always amazed at the food my grandmother made. It was so simple yet delicious. I used to help her grind the spices on the stone grinder, and I think that is where I started understanding the textures, flavours and aromas. 

I love what I do and as my wife always tells me that she sees me most relaxed when I am in the kitchen. As I come from India and in our culture food is the primary source of our being, I guess that’s the main reason why I enjoy this culinary path because it gives me an opportunity of showcase my talent and passion and gives me an excuse to have family and friends over.

IWK: Why do you teach culinary skills to students?

CA: I enjoy dealing with different personalities and sharing my knowledge as well as learning from them which motivates me to teach, research and guide the students in the right direction. I believe that what I have learned through my practical experiences is never going to be understood in the books that have been written and sharing those experiences with the students helps them to think proactively and come up with solutions in case they are caught in a situation.

On the other hand, when I see the students at the podium receiving the medals and certificates, it has not only impacted me positively but even motivated me to get out of my comfort zone and think out of the box to push my boundaries and be recognised.

IWK: Where do you see the future of PBRS and your self in it?

CA: I believe that PBRS is on the right path and my journey with the organisation is going to be a long way. I need to say that the organisation has helped me in my professional development and will continue to do so in the future.